Pracovníci polygrafie
Technical Customer Service – Project Manager !SY! Personal Profile: customer and solutions orientation; written and spoken English; other languages advantage; education and or working experience in graphic art industry; knowledge of printing technologies (offset) and converting finishing; orientation in graphical formats color management and digital proofing; precision; organizational and communication skills; time management; project management; flexibility and willingness to change; ability to work individually and in a team; high level working attitude. Responsibilities: project management in area of product implementation and development; product development internally and with customers; approving specification with customers representing customers at internal trials; active participation in account team.
Pokud máte o nabízenou pozici zájem zasílejte své životopisy na e mail:
Směnost: Jednosměnný provoz
Vzdělání: Bakalářské
Pracovní úvazek: Plný
plat: 20000 Kč
Datum nástupu: 04.08.2011
Firma: Westvaco Svitavy s.r.o.
Ulice: Pražská 2121
Obec: Svitavy
Kontaktní telefon: +420 461 552 206
Kontaktní osoba Monika Němcová
Copiright © 2007 - Nabídka práce, brigáda
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