Řídící pracovníci servisních služeb a reklamací
Personal Profile: customer and solutions orientation leadership skills organizational and communication skills time management working experience in customer services and or sales leadership function written and spoken English other languages advantage knowledge of Czech language required user knowledge of PC (MS Windows MS Word MS Excel ERP systems) precision project management flexibility and willingness to change ability to work individually and in a team high level working attitude engaging personality Responsibilities: leadership coaching and motivation of customer service organization ensure customer satisfaction support customers and Sales implement locally european sales and service strategy and processes continuous service performance improvement monitor and drive defined KPI’s represent the business division in Svitavy manufacturing plant.
Nástup možný ihned. Pokud máte o uvedenou pozici zájem zašlete svůj životopis na e mail: monika.nemcova@mwv.com nástup možný ihned
Směnost: Neurčeno
Vzdělání: ÚSO (vyučení s maturitou)
Pracovní úvazek: Plný
plat: 25000- 40000 Kč
Datum nástupu: 20.04.2011
Firma: Westvaco Svitavy s.r.o.
Ulice: Pražská 2121
Obec: Svitavy
Kontaktní telefon: +420 461 552 206
Kontaktní e-mail:monika.nemcova@mwv.com
Kontaktní osoba Monika Němcová
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