Specialisté v oblasti logistiky
We request:
High school or university degree
Czech – native speaker or very good level – daily communication with colleagues
Knowledge of English – communicative level necessary (spoken & written) – daily communication with colleagues and suppliers
Japanese language is advantage
PC knowledge – users – MS office
Reliable and flexible person with team spirit
Key responsibilities:
To contact supplier and monitor incomming material and parts
To support inventory and stock control
To proceed data in internal system
To prepare documents and report
We offer:
Work in international environmental and multicultural team
Professional growth including trainings
Employee benefits (5 days additional holiday year bonus loyalty bonus pension contribution language courses)
In case you are interested in this offer please send us your CV in Czech and English language
Our homepage: www.trad.cz
Směnost: Jednosměnný provoz
Vzdělání: ÚSO s maturitou (bez vyučení)
Pracovní úvazek: Plný
plat: 18000- 25000 Kč
Datum nástupu: 11.11.2011
Obec: Unhošť
Kontaktní telefon: +420 725 266 725
Kontaktní e-mail:necasova@zlinaircraft.eu
Kontaktní osoba Simona Nečasová DiS.
Práce je vhodná pro absolventy SŠ.Copiright © prace.euinzerce.cz 2007 - Nabídka práce, brigáda
Webmaster: t.mastny@tiscali.cz
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