Specialisté ve výrobě, stavebnictví a příbuzných oborech
SŠ VŠ min. 2 roky praxe mzda dle zkušeností
Job profile:
The quality engineer is responsible for the technical side of the quality system. SQE is responsible for the quality of all incoming goods. SQE performs supplier audits in order to guarantee the demanded quality and capacity. SQE analyses the suppliers on a regular time base.
Engineering degree or similar by experience
Measuring techniques
Effective communication skills
Good knowledge of English
Sharp technical insight
Strict and punctual
Creative in finding solutions
If you are interested in this job positions send your application including CV to: veronika.fiuraskova@culobel.cz
Směnost: Jednosměnný provoz
Vzdělání: ÚSO s maturitou (bez vyučení)
Pracovní úvazek: Plný
plat: 15000 Kč
Datum nástupu: 17.03.2011
Firma: PV-Czech, s.r.o.
Ulice: Snozina 400
Obec: Frýdlant nad Ostravicí
Kontaktní e-mail:veronika.fiuraskova@culobel.co
Kontaktní osoba Veronika Fiurášková
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