Technici uživatelské podpory informačních a komunikačních technologií
Technik uživatelské podpory
Náplň práce:
Poskytuje primární technickou podporu zákazníkům
Zaznamenává a řeší hlášení závad a to s požadavkem na včasnost a kvalitu
Poskytuje podporu oblastním technikům a kolegům v oddělení péče o zákazníky
Směny: denní NEBO noční (6.00 18.00 nebo 18.00 6.00)
Výborná znalost španělského jazyka
Velmi dobrá znalost anglického jazyka
Velmi dobra znalost TCP IP aplikací WAN LAN
Znalost L2 protokolu
Praxe v oblasti Customer service výhodou
Výhodou dřívější zkušenost s Motorola Canopy.
Motorola Solutions is a leading provider of wireless broadband networking hardware and management software products to telecom internet service carriers as well as public safety State and Federal Government customers. We are looking for highly motivated individuals to join our professional team. The candidate must be technical oriented person with experience in network design implementation and troubleshooting with networking equipment including routers switches wireless AP and network servers.
o Provide first level technical support to customers
o Receive investigate resolve and track trouble tickets in a timely manner
o Provide Support to Field Technicians and Service Representatives
o Provide single point of contact for both technical and non technical customer issues
o Working hours: day OR night shifts (12 hours: 6.00 18.00 or 18.00 6.00)
o Knowledge of Spanish
o Experience in Customer Service is advantage
o Orientation in TCP IP WAN LAN networking applications
o Basic experience in network troubleshooting and broadband technologies
o At least basic knowledge of switching hardware L2 protocols
o Must demonstrate initiative to learn new technologies
o Strong verbal and written skills required
o Previous experience with Motorola Canopy a plus
o Experience with Red Hat Enterprise or Cent OS Linux distributions a plus
o Great working conditions
o Competitive salary
o Employee benefits: 5 weeks of vacation pension and life insurance health benefits contribution to lunches
o Personal and professional development
o Structured career path
o Continual free trainings
o Friendly environment
Směnost: Dvousměnný provoz
Vzdělání: ÚSO s maturitou (bez vyučení)
Pracovní úvazek: Plný
plat: 28000- 30000 Kč
Datum nástupu: 15.05.2012
Firma: Motorola Solutions CZ s.r.o.
Ulice: Kolejní 2904
Obec: Brno
Kontaktní telefon: +420 533 336 504
Kontaktní osoba Janková
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